Raquel wants to pretend we aren't in 2024 and people have their own websites with blogs.

Admiring Librarians

Admiring Librarians is my first one-woman show (one-tran, if you prefer), my Fringe debut, and also, a very personal show where I will be both serious and funny.

It will be at O Patro Vys (356 Mont-Royal E), and the dates are the following:

Saturday, June 8 - 22:45 Openers: Elie Gill and Lauren Mallory
Sunday, June 9 - 14:00 Openers: Steve Patrick Adams and Alo Azimov
Monday, June 10 - 21:00  Openers: Kě and Leslie Simpliciano-Szigeti
Tuesday, June 11 - 22:30 Openers: Sandy and Brad MacDonald
Saturday, June 15 - 21:30 Openers: Yumi Blake and Sadie Moland
Sunday, June 16 - 16:00 Openers: Eve Parker Finley and Carmina Berbari

Tickets are $14 before fees but there is a $5 discount if you are a librarian, or if you have a library card.

Get your tickets at the Montreal Fringe store

If you can't attend the show but you'd still like to support it, you can contribute to my Kickstarter.

Get tickets
Contribute to Kickstarter

The Poly Mic

When, in the summer of 2023, I started The Poly Mic with a few other fellow queer producers and comics, some folks doubted that there'd be space for a weekly queer open mic in Montreal.

A year later, it has grown so much it is a double bill:

- The open mic starting at 7 pm, still welcoming any variety acts -mostly comedy- and centering queer performers but open to anyone who's creative and has something to say. The mic is mostly in English but French-language performers are always welcome.

- The 9pm show, which can be understood as an open mic for producers, features experiments with new, original show concepts, out of town performers, or comedians running their own sets.

If you want to participate, just fill out the sign up form for performers or producers.


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